Christian Light Foundation Costa Rica

© 2002-2024 Christian Light Foundation Costa Rica

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Evangelism and Discipleship 
in the Hard Places of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Venezuela
Evangelism and discipleship have been the cornerstones of the ministry from the beginning nearly 22 years ago. 
Even as the Lord allows us to serve in many other ways, the cornerstones remain firm and the vision is unchanging. 
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Confía es una canción que nació en medio de dos corazones rotos luego de la pérdida de nuestro primer hijo. Aunque no podemos entender la muchas de las circunstancias que ocurren en nuestra vida, nuestra confianza está y siempre estará puesta en nuestro Señor Jesús. -- Ray Villán

Confía is a song that was born in the middle of two broken hearts after the loss of our first child. Although we cannot understand the many circumstances that occur in our lives, our trust is and always will be placed in our Lord Jesus. -- Ray Villán

Ray y Melinda are Country Directors overseeing the ministry in Honduras and Venezuela.